Extraordinary richness in Nudibranchs
in Nosy Be, North West Madagascar.
Nosy Be can become a "nudibranch destination". Incredible diversity far exceeding scientific predictions, great endemism, and an Indonesian current bringing species from the Pacific.
The result is: We have discovered over 700 species at our dive spots (which represents a tiny part of Madagascar..) and a rate of undescribed species of over 37%
Nudibranchs, sea slugs and Planarians do not like the current and are very specialized when it comes to food. Their distribution is very limited depending on very precise and often invisible factors. The environment they need to live is very different, so herbivores and carnivores are rarely in the same place
On the other hand, there is a part of these nudibranchs which are active at night, while other nudibranchs are only active only by day.
Depending on the species you want to observe, we will guide you on a night or day dive in the bay of Nosy Be, towards Sakatia, or on the plateaus
opposite, some nudibranchs from Nosy Be
To the delight of Nudibranchs, opisthobranchs lovers.. there are a large number of families of nudibranchs and sea slugs, with gills visible or not, colored or camouflaged with or without cerata.
So many reasons to observe them, given the diversity of colors, shapes and sizes that they offer us
Opposite, some sea slugs and flatworms from Nosy Be.
Actual count : Opithobranchs : 700 species, Planarian 150 species.
Being passionate about macro fauna in general and nudibranchs in particular, we refer to all the opisthobranchs that we find on our Nosy Be dive sites, and are in contact with scientific institutes to inform about our discoveries. It is obvious that by diving more than 500 times a year in a given area, the probability that we see a rare animal is much higher than that of a researcher who will accomplish a single 3-week mission on 3 archipelagos of Madagascar
While researchers had estimated at 278 species of opisthobranchs in Madagascar (Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification, 2014/2018) We have already reached more than 650, just on Nosy Be, and our photos are published in several books and applications on Indo-Pacific nudibranchs and planarians.